7-Habits Of Highly Effective Muslim Couples In Islam
Allah SWT says in the Qur’an:
“And of His signs is that He created for you from yourselves mates that you may find tranquility in them, and He placed between you affection and mercy. Indeed in that are signs for a people who give thought.” [Qur’an: Chapter 30, Verse ...
By The Proposal Team
21 Mar, 2023
Preparing for Ramadan: 5 Tips for a Successful Month of Fasting
Ramadan is the most blessed time of the year for Muslims around the globe. They wait and pray to reach Ramadan all year long. The months leading to Ramadan are a great time to prepare for Ramadan, especially the month of Shaban.
Usamah ibn Zayd (may Allah be pleased with him) said: I ...
By The Proposal Team
28 Mar, 2023
Proposal Single Muslim Matchmaking Event Vancouver
You asked and we have created it for you. Experience Proposal Muslim matchmaking app for Muslim singles. Proposal App is here to get you off the dating apps and connect you with other like-minded Muslim singles in real life-“Proposal (IRL)”.
We are excited to announce our first-ever Pro...
By The Proposal Team
20 Jun, 2023
Proposal Presents BIGGEST HALAL Speed Dating Event Houston
Give your parents a break and be your own matchmaker. The proposal makes the Muslim matchmaking process more natural, fun, and friendly.
We are excited to announce our first-ever BIGGEST Halal speed dating/social event in Houston. Join us and others for a fun, and exciting Proposal IRL (in ...
By The Proposal Team
13 Oct, 2023
How Do Muslims Observe Ramadan?
Ramadan is the month of obligatory fasting. However, fasting is not limited to the month of Ramadan, Muslims can fast voluntarily at any time of the year. But Ramadan is especially associated with fasting whose importance can be realized in the following saying of the Prophet Muhammad SAW. It was na...
By The Proposal Team
18 Apr, 2023
Significance of Muharram in Islam: Do's and Don'ts
What is Muharram?Muharram is the first in the Hijri Calendar and marks the beginning of the Islamic New Year. It is referred to as “the Month of Allah.” The word ‘Muharram’ means ‘forbidden’ - derived from the same root word in Arabic as the House of Allah Al-Masj...
By The Proposal Team
26 Jul, 2023
Proposal Single Muslim Matchmaking Event Montreal
Tired of swiping right and left? Tired of being ghosted? You asked and we have created it for you. Experience Proposal Muslim matchmaking app for Muslim singles. Proposal App is here to get you off the dating apps and connect you with other like-minded Muslim singles in real life-“Proposal (IR...
By The Proposal Team
20 Jun, 2023
Mental Health Matters in Islam
What is Mental Health?Mental health is a person’s emotional, psychological, and social well-being. It determines how a person thinks, feels, and acts. A person with good mental health is able to navigate through stressful situations and challenges in everyday life. They can make sound decision...
By The Proposal Team
02 Aug, 2023
Proposal BIGGEST Halal Speed Dating Event in Edmonton, Canada
It was cold but we were bold. We hosted our first-ever Muslim singles halal speed dating event in Edmonton, Canada, was an incredible turnout.In -15C(5F), more than 100 Muslim singles mingled with other singles in Edmonton on March 2, 2024.
Proposal Muslim dating and marriage app in Edmonton is mak...
By The Proposal Team
01 Jun, 2024
Proposal BIGGEST Muslim Singles Event Houston
We hosted our second event of the year 2024, and the first event in Houston was a huge success.We haven’t even started yet and demand for our app and events are unparalleled.Over 225 Muslim Singles turned up to our first-ever Muslim Singles event.
Our Houston Muslim social mixer events are th...
By The Proposal Team
01 Jun, 2024
Proposal Exclusive Invite only Single Muslims Event
From our signature halal speed dating and coffee meetup to networking events, we are thrilled to introduce Proposal + 🤵♂️🦢🧕, an exclusive invite-only gathering for Muslim singles. This premium matchmaking experience carefully select...
By The Proposal Team
09 Dec, 2024
World's First Muslim Marriage And Wedding App
We are proud to introduce the world's first-ever created Muslim wedding connect mobile application. A feature, or we should say that we have added an entire wedding industry to our app. The wedding industry in general is unorganized, unstructured, an...
By The Proposal Team
30 Nov, 2024
Proposal BIGGEST and Best Muslim Singles Event Baltimore
We hosted our first-ever BIGGEST and Best Muslim Singles event in Baltimore on May 25, 2024.
MashAllah, over 200 people signed up and attended our event.
we are making a huge difference in our Muslim community and helping our brothers a...